Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Course program

Hello everybody!

Below the course program. The course is divided into two parts: first we'll discuss "the city in media", and concentrate especially on the city appearing in films and documentaries. The second part will be about the "media in the city" - ubiquitous media, media that surrounds us, media applications about and in the city.

The course is an intensive one. Lectures will be in the mornings 10 - 12; the afternoons are meant for working on the exercises and ideas. First exercise would be to see films about the city, films narrating the/a city. Taina will be bringing some examples - but if anyone has a favorite and good arguments for it, by all means bring it along!

The course is meant to consist basically of work you can do during the course itself. The course assignment can be a variety of things: you can write an essay - do a video/documentary - make a demo or some other form of presentation on some of the themes we touch upon. You can do the assignment alone or in a team. The last meeting is scheduled for 16.3, but depending on the kind of tasks you choose, we can stretch that.

Week 1 (week 8): The city in media

22.2 Intro to the course. What is a city? Some films about cities. Taina speaking - she also has some films, but if you have a favorite do bring it too!
23.2. Narration. What is a narrative? How does one study narration? Taina speaking. I think we could choose one or two films and study the narration.
24.2 Kuukkari. Eeva Karhunen will tell about Kuukkari and studies that have been made of it. Afterwards we can do a walk in Kuukkari.
25.2. Documentary day: Chris will tell about how one could be made. We can do an exercise in planning a documentary on Kuukkari.

Week 2 (week 10): Media in the city

10.3 10 - 12 Taina will talk about Wormholes, i.e. hybrid urban and cultural space. We'll make an exercise about those: keeping a wormhole diary/ tracking media in urban space
14 - 16  Joanna Saad-Sulonen will speak about ubiquiteous media and tell of media applications and research and artistic projects in city.
11.3 Wormholediaries, results. Discuss plans for course assignments e.g.: plan/ short execution of a documentary on the city; plan for/ a demo about visualization of wormholes. An essay on city and narration or city and media is also an option.

Final meet:
16.3 is a date scheduled in advance. Depending on what people want to do and how much time they need, we can discuss a further date in April.

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